
Deco Floors makes every effort to ensure that information provided by the company in the digital domain is accurate. However, Deco Floors cannot guarantee this and accepts no liability for any information or advice given via its websites.

Deco Floors pursues a policy of continual development and improvement and as such, product specifications may be changed without prior notice. All dimensions listed herein are only nominal. Being cast products they are subject to a size variance of +/- 5%; tolerances established by ANSI standard A112.19.4M.

For information about the way Deco Floors obtains and uses the company/personal data, please refer to our privacy policy.

This website is made available for public viewing on the basis that Deco Floors excludes, to the extent lawfully permitted, all liability whatsoever for any loss or damage howsoever arising from its use including the reliance upon its content.